Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Anthropology, Ethnography, And Ethnology - 1568 Words

An Anthropologist follows two unique approaches when studying culture, ethnography, and ethnology. Ethnography and Ethnology may share a zeal for culture, they possess distinctive methodology and unique goals. Life on the field does not lack its myriad of challenges which the anthropologist must work through daily. Through the studies of ethnography and ethnology, we are able to educate ourselves on the lives and rich variegated cultures with whom we share our world. We see the fruitful work of ethnology and ethnography all around us. Ethnology provides us with scientific data, analytical and fact-culling. The work of biologist Vojtech Novotny in Papua New Guinea shows us how ethnology and quantitative data can be used to collect specimens†¦show more content†¦In Sterk s case, she worked with sex workers, asking why the women are sex workers, drug usage etc.(Sterk 2000:) Ethnography is immersive research honed on a single culture.Ethnographers offer us information about cultures and what they do. Utilizing a descriptive approach, an ethnographer is inside of a cultural environment. Their goal pushes the mind to think beyond why a culture may engage in certain rituals. An ethnographer questions the vast intricacies of the culture as a whole. Detailed questions fuel the process for the ethnologist, What is the meaning of this ritual to you? What is your kinship?(Miller 2/6/2017). Remaining immersed in a culture yet still an objective observer is integral to ethnography, both from an ethical view and to conduct the most non-biased research possible. Various methods are used to collect the information and reach the goals of studying a culture. Interviews are an integral part of garnering cultural data. Simply making conversation with another human in their language opens up many doors. Interviews can be an opportunity to gain an insider s perspective on culture. During Chagnon s research with the Yanomamo, he was collecting data on their complex genealogy.Not knowing a taboo exists in YanomamoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Understanding Culture820 Words   |  4 Pageswhich are ethnography and ethnology. Ethnography is based on fieldwork while ethnology is based on cross-cultural comparisons of the information collected through ethnography. The studies done on culture can be shared in two ways: first through theoretical or academic anthropology and second through practical or applied anthropology. An example of academic anthropology, which teaches us about culture, is a textbook such as the book written by Kottak. 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Since the work of Franz Boas and BronisÅ‚aw Malinowski in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, anthropology from Great Britain and the US has been distinguished from branch of ethnology and also from other social sciences branches which emphasizeRead MoreThe Father Of American Anthropology906 Words   |  4 Pagesemotionally stable third of mankind, all races would be present.† – Franz Boas Franz Boas has been called the â€Å"Father of American Anthropology.† Dr. Boas did not obtain his degree in anthropology, but went on to help create the four fields of anthropology and teach many of the most well-known anthropologists of today. His contributions to the field of cultural anthropology alone are magnificent, Dr. Boas and his students had managed to completely alter how we as a society viewed race and culture. 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How have we arrived at a position where destroying the earth doesnt bother us very much? These, and many, many more are the questions that drive anthropologists to study human beings andRead MoreThe Anthropology Of Cultural Anthropology1370 Words   |  6 Pagescultural anthropology, which seeks to understand the purpose and place of the humans in this world. It will include anthropology as a social science, the concept of culture, and it would also introduction the human evolution and to archaeology, ethnographic field methods. The importance of human language, human development, patterns, global economy, marriage and the family, gender issues, global politics and local political organization, social stratification, medical anthropology, ethnicityRead MoreINTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 BY SAQUILAYAN2009 Words   |  9 PagesIntroduction Chapter 1 ( Introduction to Sociology Anthropology by Dr. Victorio Saquilayan) Discussant: Prof. Ferdinand Dupaya Salagan, BSEd, MA,MPA,PhD(c.) Associate Professor V Sociology †¢ Is also concerned with repetitive and recurrent forms of behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, norms and social institutions that make up the social order ( Panopio Rolda, 2000) Social Interactions: †¢ The responses between individuals are perhaps the basic sociological concepts because such interactionsRead MoreCulture Is A Dynamic Process976 Words   |  4 Pagesinto their memories and coming up empty by the existential question. Why is that? Defining culture is almost like defining love: each person feels culture differently, yet every single person is a part of it. As Franz Boas, the father of American anthropology, states, â€Å"culture embraces all manifestations of social behavior of a community, the reactions of the individual as affected by the habits of the group in which he lives, and the product of human activities as determined by these habits† (as cited

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Strategic Management for Competitiveness -

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Managementfor Competitiveness and Globalisation. Answer: JB Hi-Fi organization having headquarter in Australia having an extensive retail interests throughout the countries Australia and New Zealand. It is regarded as the second largest company by revenue in the country Australia. The organization is actually deals with blu-rays, electronics, hardware and dvds and as well electrical appliances available at home. it was regarded as the 19th largest organization in the world in the year 1974 (De and Meyer 2014) ( 2017). In terms of sales, this This business in Australia improved with the sales from previous years in the fourth quarter, the strongest and largest for the year which is pushed by a strong growth which is comparable in nature and it has revenue, which is above A $ 4 billion, which was detected in the year 2016. However, in the recent years, turnover happened which resulted to the increase of net profit that happened out of increase of interest and tax from the in the country Australia. The target market of JB Hi Fi is the general public. The market share of JB hifi is based on the consumers who are using housing products appliances and the children who are interested for the video games from the age 10-20 (De and Meyer 2014). There are at least by combining both Australia and New Zealand is 275,00 employees who are serving the company for a longer period of time. The market share of the company has reached 31% in the year 2016-2017 and the market share is expected to grow in the upcoming year. The company has made its profit up to 13.3% to $ 173 million in the year 2016-2017. The vision of JB hi fi company is to give empowerment to the economic quality and vitality to the life. The mission of the company is to render safe, reliable energy as a cost which is reasonable in nature to the customers of the company and the best returns to the owners of the share (Grant et al., 2014; Hitt et al 2012). In order to align with the mission and vision theory, the vision of the company as per the regulations as pointed out by the leaders look forward to communicate the vision statement of the company. The vision statement of the company to produce economic vitality, which according to the theory is easy to understand, inspiring as well future oriented. The mission of the company is being addressed to the shareowners, customers, and the share of the companies in the area of business. Their mission statement, according to the theory is to elaborate on the services, products that the company is selling to the customers as well the areas of business where the company would operate (Grant et al., 2014). The important factors of the PEST about JB hi fi which are needed to be taken into account is Political, economical, social and technological ( 2017). Political: The political factors include the change in political leaders, which might affect the working of the company out of the changes in decisions of the government. The changes in taxation and legislation of the government might affect the working of the business. Economical: The economic factor is important because the current economy of the company is growing and this might be under the cause of changes of economic stability and the fluctuations of the exchange rates. The most important element, which is affecting the factors of economy, is the effect of globalization and the changing taste of the customers. Accordingly, the company needs to update according to the change in trends (Hitt et al 2012). Socio-cultural factor: This factor is important because due to the growth of population, the age and factors of the population affects the change of the taste of people, this happened due to the changes in attitude along with the patterns of the employment, the trends of the market of job according to the variety of age groups ( 2017). Technological: It is another and foremost important factor of the electronic appliances in terms of using new technology of the company which can make the work easier for the organization or industry. Legal factors: The JB hi fi in terms of legal factors focuses on bringing improvements to the protection of the patent, looks forward to increase the regulations on the e-waste and increasing the regulation of the product, which incorporates threats and opportunities. Environmental factors: The Company focuses on the sustainability of business, the company has opted for the demand of environmentally friendly products and also concentrates upon the recycling facilities (Thompson, Strickland and Gamble 2014). The factors or points, which are not regarded important, in this case are is the changing policy of the government and its effect on the industry. As far JB hi fi is concerned, the government rules and regulations have not affected the workings of the company and there was no change in the regulations. Analysis of Porters five forces New Entrants threats: JB wifi builds innovative products in order to face touch challenges to the other markets. Even it can slow down the fixed cost per unit. Bargaining powers of suppliers: In the dominant position, suppliers can reduce the margins; the company can gain from the market. It tackles it through the mean of constructing the proper supply chain with effective suppliers. Buyers bargaining power: The Company can tackle it through the construction of larger bases of customers and through the innovation of new products, where the customers seek discounts for the new products (Pearce et al. 2013). Threats of New substitutes: The threat of the substituted products is high as the company starts offering the proposition f value which is different from the recent offerings of the industry. Enmity among the competitors: As it is a retail market, it has to face a huge competition. Competitors like Wal-Mart and much other retrial market can often outnumber HI-Fi ltd. in the long run ( 2017). In the Life cycle of Industry, the company is in its matured stage and in terms of its competitive advantage. Through the description of PESTLE and Porters five forces, it can be said, that the competition it is facing is quite tough as there were higher chances of the substitution of the goods by the new entrants, the company needs to come up with more innovative products, which cannot be replicated or substituted (Hill et al. 2014). Therefore, right now the company needs to keep pace with the rising competition in order to meet competitive advantages (Hanson et al. 2014). Strengths: The Company makes sure to bring in the usage of many new and innovative technologies. This is done in order to see that the customers do not easily switch over to any other retail sectors. In order to do this, the company makes sure to incorporate a large amount of skilled workforce is brought in to the business. Weakness: As it is basically a retail unit it has a very large number of competitors existing in the market. This provides the customers with a very large and modified choice of switching from one retail sector to the other. In this modern era of scientific advancements and developments, all the retail sectors are trying their level best to uplift both the quality and the quantity of production (Thompson et al. 2014). It is true that the company has higher competitive advantage as there is an important opportunity in order to make services competitive advantages. In terms of quality and innovation, the products bear efficiency as it is coming up with innovative products. Therefore, in this regard, the innovation is underpinning the competitive advantages of the company. References De Wit, B and Meyer, R 2014, Strategy: process, content, context an international perspective, 5th Edn, Cengage Learning, London. Edn, McGraw Hill Irwin, NY. Grant, R Butler, B, Hung, H, and Orr, S 2014, Contemporary strategic management, an Australasian perspective, John Wiley, Milton, Qld Hanson, D, Hitt, MA., Ireland, R. D., and Hoskisson, R. E. 2014. Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalisation. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Cengage Learning Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E., 2012.Strategic management cases: competitiveness and globalization. Cengage Learning. 2017.Google Pixel 2 | JB Hi-Fi. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Oct. 2017]. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management. Springer. Thompson, AA Strickland, AJ and Gamble, JE 2014, Crafting and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases. 14th Edn, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, NY.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Love At First Sight free essay sample

My eyes will swear that I never saw real beauty until tonight. (l, V, 77) Romeo and Gullets love was love at first sight. Even though they have never met before, they fell in love once they saw each other. In modern society, that would not happen. Modern people are more educated and sophisticated. They look for more than appearance. They are more interested in their personality, attitude and chemistry. Secondly, when you meet a person you will know that one is the right person. There is a feeling in your heart that tells you that he/she is your soul mate. Romeo knew that Juliet was his soul mate.He asked the Friar Ill tell you later, but I ask you this now, that you agree to marry us today. (al, Ill, 199) After that, they got married. Even though they couldnt live together because of their parents objection and Romeo was exiled, they still loved each other. We will write a custom essay sample on Love At First Sight or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most people in our society are divorced, because they got married so fast. They didnt know each other entirely. They have lost their home, money or children in their dispute. They are more patient now in finding the right mate for the second time. Some are even likely to get married again. Finally, love can make us do crazy things.Crazy enough that, we might even give up our own life for the one we really love, we know we cant live without him/her, Juliet pretended to be dead so she doesnt have to marry Paris. Unfortunately, Romeo thought she was really dead and he couldnt live without his soul mate, so he committed suicide. Then when Juliet woke up and was saw that, she also committed suicide because she couldnt imagine living without him. In our modern society, remarriage is an acceptable practice. Most widowers would find a mate and remarry. Many times, the dying spouse wants their mate to be looked after hen their gone so hey encouraged them to look for someone.Sometimes, the widowers just find a new mate. As you can see, love at first is a myth. People had to many bad experience from mistaking following their hearts, thinking its love at first sight, where they have lost their life savings, their homes and even jobs. People are more cautious and protective of themselves by dating longer, making rational decision on marriage, deciding of children to have not even get married at all. Works cited William Shakespeare. Love at First Sight free essay sample Does love at first sight exist? By Nadiya Love at first sight. Does it really exist? Some people say it does and some people say it doesn’t. The stories of Romeo and Juliet and Cyrano de Bergerac suggest that it does. The famous play Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. The movie/play was written by Edmond Ronstad. Both of the love stories are very intriguing. Neither of them are set in a modern time. The stories reflect on each other quite well. Romeo and Juliet took place in beautiful Verona, during the 1590’s. The story was mainly in one town. Cyrano de Bergerac took place all over France. Both of them have a balcony scene. For Romeo and Juliet’s balcony scene it was just them. On the other hand Cyrano de Bergerac had three people involved. Both of the stories had catholic over laps. There are three main characters in Romeo and Juliet. We will write a custom essay sample on Love at First Sight or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Juliet a very young girl not in search of love stumbles upon Romeo and falls in love with him. Romeo an air headed teenager thought he had found the girl for him until he met Juliet. Then we come to Paris he is determined to marry Juliet, however Juliet’s heart is set on Romeo. There are four main characters in Cyrano de Bergerac. Roxanne is the main star. She loves the idea of love. She not being as young as Juliet was very well liked. Christian the pretty boy is in love with Roxanne but he has no words to explain it. Cyrano is Roxanne’s cousin who is also in love with her but refuses to tell her because of his looks, he decides to help Christian win her heart over. De Guiche is the fourth character he being much older than Roxanne states that he is in love with her. Does love at first sight exist? These two stories suggest it does. Even though the stories are different they are very similar. They are tragic love stories. The mystery of it all brings us back to the question Does loves at first sight exist? I guess we will never know.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

My Sisters addorable Dog Chili †Descriptive Essay

My Sisters addorable Dog Chili – Descriptive Essay Free Online Research Papers My Sisters addorable Dog Chili Descriptive Essay I chose to write about my sisters dog. The dogs name is Chili. She is half pinscher and half Dachshund. I chose to write about her because she is a very interesting dog and she has a very special place in our family. Chili is a very beautiful smart cute small 22 (in dogs years) years old dog. Her color is a combination of white, black and brown. Her back is black from the outside and white when you get closer to the skin and her bottom and face are brown (reminds a small Rottweiler). She has a very big bat like ears. And she is a little over weight. She is very smart and a good searching dog. She always finds her ball before we do, when we ask her for it and she knows the different between her ball and her bone (when we ask her to bring the bone she brings the bone†¦). She is very frantic and likes to play a lot. Her favorite toy is my tennis ball which she likes to run after and catch at our courtyard. She is pretty annoying for other dogs and she likes to irritate them. For conclusion you can see why I wrote about her. She is the cutest and most frantic dog that I know and I like her very much. Research Papers on My Sister's addorable Dog Chili - Descriptive EssayThe Hockey GameThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsWhere Wild and West MeetThe Spring and AutumnPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionCapital Punishment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtResearch Process Part One

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Death and Dying essays

Death and Dying essays Death and Dying, Losing a Grandparent The death of a grandparent is a devastating time in a persons life. However, when the grandparent contracts a fatal disease and suffers for the duration of the final stage of life, this can make the situation more overwhelming. Dying is a component of the life cycle (Santrock 1999), and this phase can be the most complex to endure. At the concluding stage of my grandfathers life, he became dependent. We could only watch helplessly as he dwindled away. One thing that comes natural is to reflect upon the memories, comprehend what is taking place in the life cycle, and to treasure the memories that will be with me forever. One of the earliest memories that I have is as a very young boy. I was about three or four years of age. My Grandfather had a large family and always drove a station wagon. Station wagons in those days are the equivalent to the Sports Utility Vehicles of today. I do not know why I can remember this story so well, but it stands out in my mind. My mother gave birth to the first grandchild, who was I. In the sixties, most large families planted gardens, and raised their own livestock, in order to feed their families. There was a man who lived down the road from where my grandfather lived. This man raised chickens. One morning, my grandfather and I drove down the road to the neighbors house to purchase eggs. The neighbor I am referring to owned the property, which my grandparents lived on. Farm fresh eggs are not the same as the eggs we purchase in our neighborhood grocery stores. The eggshell is brownish in color, and when the eggs are cooked, they appear to have a da rk yellowish appearance. This is a reflection of the simpler times, which may or may not be the good ole days. We did not have many of the amenities that we enjoy today. We did not have indoor plumbing. We had an outhouse that I was petrified to utilize. That is ano...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mr Kibi is a national of Eritrea and was born on 10th October 1981. He Essay

Mr Kibi is a national of Eritrea and was born on 10th October 1981. He arrived in the United Kingdom in June 2009 on a false pas - Essay Example A refugee becomes one, if his status as an asylum seeker has been upgraded to refugee after being granted asylum.1 In the pursuit of Mr. Kibi to apply for asylum, several pertinent circumstances in his situation should be given attention. Firstly, he arrived in the United Kingdom in June 2009 on a false passport and has been residing and working in the country illegally. Secondly, he did not immediately apply for asylum, claiming that he is not aware of the existence of such process and for fear of being deported back to Eritrea. Thirdly, in his pursuit to leave Eritrea, he has been to several countries including Italy, where he did not claim for asylum due to bad experiences and slow processing of claims. Now, he is applying for asylum in the United Kingdom based on the grounds that he is fearful of his life upon return to Eritrea where he became critical of its government and for deserting his military service. The fact that Mr. Kibi arrived in the country under falsified papers, h e is already legally liable. Under the Identity Cards Act f 2006, particularly Section 25(1), it is an offense for an individual to have an identity document, e.g., passport, that he knowingly obtained improperly with the intention of using as registrable information of himself. Thus, Mr. Kibi’s presentation upon his entry to UK of the false passport is an illegal act. This offense makes it harder for him to gain asylum pursuant to the Refugee Convention’s Article 31(1). Under s. 31 of the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act however, Mr. Kibi still has a defence he can use to gain asylum in UK despite his falsification offense. Section 31 (3) (aa) of the said Asylum Act was amended as a form of defence in cases where there is an offence under s. 25(1) of 2006’s Identity Cards Act.2 This defence may apply to individuals who committed said offense in UK if they can prove that they came in the country because their freedom and their lives are threatened, as defined by the Refugee Convention, if said individual presented himself to UK’s authorities immediately and if good cause was proven for his illegal presence in the country. In cases where in the asylum seeker stopped in another country before entering UK, it is necessary that he showed good cause for not claiming asylum or protection in that country under the Refugee Convention. 3 Given the abovementioned laws and the situation Mr. Kibi has been in, it is wise to first analyse the defence to use under the 1999 Act. His circumstances are indeed grounds for asylum. He can be declared refugee for his fear of being persecuted in Eritrea for reason of his political opinion. As such, his entry in UK using falsified documents can be justified. As Article 31(1) of the 1999 Act states, penalties may not be imposed on a refugee’s illegal entry or presence if their life is threatened in their territory of origin.4 However, certain provisions in this particular Article may run against the a ctual situation of Mr. Kibi. Firstly, under this article, it is stated that penalties may not be imposed, provided the refugee presented himself to the authorities without delay. This is not the case with Mr. Kibi. It took more than a year before he claimed for asylum. It is therefore necessary to prove that he did it for a very good cause and with an acceptable reason. Likewise, as a subsection of