Monday, May 25, 2020

Cause And Effect Of Low Education Essay - 1234 Words

Causes of Majority Drop-outs in a Higher Education The first thing most of us are conditioned to learn at a young age is if you are not a college graduate, you will not make it in this world. Although there is partial truth to this statement, it is important to know that college may not be for everyone and there are good paying jobs out there that don’t require any sort of higher education outside of high school. This may appeal to you if you just are concerned about making a living. For those of us that are just not sure or even if you are, it is important to consider the facts. There are many people that drop out of college or never attempt to start at all. The cause of this differs between individuals and in some cases, dropping out of college can be necessary. Things such as finances, excess emotion, addiction and overall lack of desire are common causes for both the need to and the decisions made for someone who wants drop out. I feel things such as these are especially crucial for the ones out there that just don’t know how to deal with college or are thinking about going back because it gives us an insight. The details presented to you is an effort to clear up some of the confusion on what would be considered a legitimate reason to drop out and what would also be considered a poor reason. The first cause would be prolonged moods outside of school. True success in anything requires full dedication and attention. When a person is going through something in their life orShow MoreRelatedThe Inequality Of Income Inequality1229 Words   |  5 Pagestrade, low government corruption, foreign investment or low foreign debt (Berg and Ostry, 2011). This essay will be structured as follow: 1- Theoretical Analysis: showing reasons that cause income inequality. 2- Empirical evidence. 3- Possible policies to solve the inequality problems. 4- Conclusion. 1. 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